Still Waters Run Deep Quotes

still waters run deep quotes

The proverb “still waters run deep” has many interpretations. For example, you may think that it refers to the ocean, but the truth is that this saying refers to the human soul, not to the sea. The meaning of the phrase is not entirely clear. It simply means that calm and tranquility are present on the surface, but beneath the surface, there is an immense storm of emotions. If you have experienced a personal tragedy, you know that calm and peaceful are not always the same.

The phrase, “still waters run deep,” is a fable by the Roman poet Quintus Rufus Curtius, and it is thought to have originated in the first century. However, the term “still” was later used to describe a person with a quiet, reflective personality. The proverb can mean many different things: an aloof person, someone who focuses on the details of life, or a person who is deeply intellectual and emotionally complex.

When it comes to people, the aphorism “still waters run deep” applies to anyone. It refers to people who are quiet but are full of passion. This type of feeling can be difficult to access when the world around you is turbulent and unruly. In contrast, a person who is quiet but still is passionate on the inside has the potential to be deeply involved in the details of their life. Similarly, a person with a large inner circle of friends and family will have a great deal of depth within.

While it seems that quiet people have deep personalities, others are convinced by the fact that “still waters run deep.” If you’re the kind of person who doesn’t need to get attention, you should probably try to make a positive impression. While a calm and poised person is likely to be a great person, there’s no denying that they have a deeper personality. They may not be as good as they seem.

Another aphorism about the depth of water is “the deepest river is the one that is deepest.” The proverb is said to refer to the most dangerous rivers. For example, a river that flows with the least sound is considered the deepest of all. A quiet man can be as smart as a spy. If he’s smart, he can even find a way to sneak into a building and take advantage of it.

It’s true that the deepest rivers make little noise. Likewise, people who are unassuming are often the most likely to be strong. They may not need a promotion. But they might have a deeper side. Despite the fact that they don’t make much noise, they are in fact deeply rooted. They are thoughtful and unpredictable and can feel the deepest emotions. This makes them unstoppable.

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