What’s It Like To Be A Reddit Moderator

What's It Like To Be A Reddit Moderator

The Duties of a Reddit Moderator

There are a few key duties of a moderator on Reddit, and they all revolve around keeping the community happy. First and foremost, moderators are there to keep the conversation relevant and on track, by removing harassing or off-topic posts. Additionally, moderators must ensure that all submissions are properly tagged and sorted in chronological order, as well as taking care of any report violations that may occur. In short, moderators act as the voice of reason within the Reddit community – ensuring that everyone has an enjoyable experience while browsing the site.

What’s It Like To Be A Reddit Moderator

Being a moderator on Reddit is a pretty fun and rewarding experience. It can be quite daunting at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s a lot of fun. In this post, we’ll go over the basics of being a moderator and give you some tips on how to maximize your experience.

As a moderator, your primary responsibility is to keep the subreddit clean and organized. This means removing any inappropriate or offensive content, as well as enforcing the subreddit’s ruleset. You also have the power to ban users from the subreddit if they break the rules.

One of the most important things you can do as a moderator is keep an open mind. Don’t be too judgmental; remember that Reddit is primarily a forum for discussion, not preaching. If someone has a valid point to make, listen to them!

Overall, being a moderator on Reddit is tons of fun. The community there is awesome and there’s always something new happening. If you’re interested in trying out moderating for yourself, be sure to check out our guidelines page first!

How to Apply to be a Reddit Moderator

Being a Reddit moderator is a great way to contribute your knowledge and help shape the community around you. Here are some tips on how to apply:

1. Read the Guidelines.
2. Follow the reddiquette.
3. Be willing to take feedback.
4. Be proactive and be quick to respond to comments and questions.
5. Have a positive attitude and be prepared to handle criticism with grace.

How to Succeed As a Reddit Moderator

If you’re thinking about taking on the role of moderator — or just want to know what it’s like — we spoke to four current moderators about their experiences. Here’s what they told us.

1. Believe in the community

One of the most important things a moderator can do is believe in the community they’re moderating. “I try to be open-minded and understanding of different viewpoints,” says /u/Evil_Moderator, who has been moderating for over two years on the r/videos subreddit. “I also try to be unbiased and fair when making decisions about how the subreddit should be run.”

2. Have a thick skin

Being a moderator isn’t easy, but it does require thick skin. “There are times where I have to make quick decisions that can affect thousands of people, and I am often met with criticism from all sides,” says /u/CrazyFatGuyMOD (who has been moderating for over two years on r/gifs). “But I never back down from my responsibilities as a moderator, because I believe in the importance of Reddit and its communities.”

3. Be prepared to handle tough situations

One common challenge for moderators is handling tough situations head-on. “Sometimes users will post something that is completely inappropriate or disruptive, which means I have to take

Tips for Being a Successful Reddit Moderator

Being a successful Reddit moderator is no easy task. Here are some tips to help make the process easier:

1. Take the time to get to know your community. The more aware you are of what’s going on, the better you’ll be at moderating efficiently.

2. Be proactive in making changes when needed. If something is wrong on Reddit, be sure to take action and try to correct it as quickly as possible.

3. Keep an open mind and be willing to experiment with new ideas. As long as you’re respectful of your community and follow the site’s guidelines, there’s room for creativity when moderating.

4. Make yourself available whenever necessary. If a user needs assistance or has feedback, don’t hesitate to respond appropriately. You never know when something important might come up!


As a moderator on one of the most popular websites on the internet, Reddit, it can be difficult to know what to expect and how to handle certain situations. Here are some tips for being a successful moderator:

1. Establish clear rules and guidelines for your subreddit. This will help maintain order and keep users informed about what is and isn’t allowed.

2. Respond quickly to user reports and comments. It’s important to address any concerns or complaints as soon as possible so that all users feel respected and appreciated.

3. Take care not to over-regulated or micromanage your community members. If something is amiss, allow them the freedom to express themselves in a way that feels appropriate for the subreddit they’re moderating.

4. Keep an open mind when it comes to new ideas or suggestions from your users. Even if they seem strange at first, give them a chance – sometimes they can lead to great content ideas!

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